Monday, Mar 2, 2020
Mr. Kerry Graydon, the Youth Leadership Coordinator at Wateree Community Actions, participated, along with several fathers, brothers, uncles, and community leaders in the "Real Men Read" at J. P. Thomas Elementary School on Thursday, February 27.
This event allowed the students to see and experience positive male role models in their community and school. Mr. Graydon shared one of his favorite books "If You Take a Mouse to School" by Laura Joffe Numeroff. This book is hilarious and very colorful. It has a lot of excitement with a mouse's eagerness to learn. Kerry stated the reason he chose this book was to demonstrate skills and sequencing to children. The students had an opportunity to share their favorite books with the readers as well.
As Winston Churchill has said, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Thank you for giving your time to J.P. Thomas Elementary, with appreciation, Executive Director, Ms. Annette Tucker, and the WCAI Team.