Monday, Aug 3, 2020
The Wateree Community Actions Head Start celebrated their 2020 graduating class, with drive-thru ceremonies at each of the head start centers today.
A caravan of parents, and staff, including the Interim Head Start Director, Mrs. Cynthia Ransom, Interim Early Head Start Director Ms. Wanda Maddox and Chief Executive Officer Ms. Annette Tucker greeted the graduates as they got the “red carpet treatment” with a certificate ceremony, using safety precautions.
Graduates were also given books, special gifts from their teachers, bag lunches and snacks.
It was an awesome celebration although it was not the normal big celebration that we have every year, but we wanted to make sure this day was a very special day and for the children to know that we are proud of them.
We wanted to make sure that they knew we did not forget about them, even when we have not been able to see all of them face-to-face at school.
Congratulations Graduates !
Ms. Annette Tucker, Chief Executive Officer
Mrs. Cynthia Ransom, Interim Head Start Director
Ms. Wanda Maddox, Interim Early Head Start Director