Monday, Oct 29, 2018
Chenise Williams, Head Start Teacher displayed her awesome talent and passion for teaching and music by creating a song. Please check out her story and video (on our Facebook page)! Thanks Chenise for being a part of WCAI Team of Excellence!
"My name is Chenise Williams, writer of the Head Start Anthem, “I’m A Head Start Kid”. May 23, 2018 during a meeting where we prepare for our closing exercise of the year, we were discussing making changes and reforming our prior song. It was then that I was asked by my fellow teachers to incorporate my creativity for music and come up with something different we can use.
Immediately, the brainstorming began and I started to think maybe we can do a song? This was the birth of the “Head Start Anthem”.
In my heart I wanted to convey the importance of the Head Start Program. I honestly believe that many do not understand. They may think it’s a waste of funding, it’s not needed, it’s another form of daycare, simply a waste of time and the list goes on. This is a BIG NO NO!! I believe that there is no better way to lift the moral and spirit of our teacher and student than through music. We need something to express our pride and love for this organization. Despite, recent news and articles about possible Head Start shut downs, this is our way to remain focused on what we are here to do, teach and empower our children. As a former Head Start student , now a Head Start teacher and a recent parent of Head Start students I can can relate to all sides of the spectrum. The Head Start Programs is a necessary part of our children’s future. What better way to start voicing this than through OUR Head Start Anthem, for “ I Am A Head Start Kid”.
The opportunity to combine both my passion for teaching and music has been one of my greatest experiences. This has inspired me to continue to pursue making music for our children that is relatable and educational. I am currently working on completing my first Children’s album entitled “The Learning Lab”. Music is inspiring and can be an effective tools teaching and reinforcing what is being taught. This will allow us to continue teaching and influencing our children in a positive way. We can do it together because we all know and love a “Head Start Kid”! "
---Chenise Williams
Dwuna Duty Richards